Site icon FixMyInfo – We help Local Businesses get more customers.

How It Works

How It Works

Checking your business visibility made easy.


Check how your business is listed quickly and easily with your business name and zip/postal code.

Add a keyword to help us find all of your listings


Fill out your name, number and email so we can send you a full report!

Confirm that we have found the right business, or add your business from there.


See your free report!

From Here...
We’re already starting to work for you.

Baseline Report

We are creating a baseline report so that you can check back and verify the progress that is being made.

Baseline Report

We are creating a baseline report so that you can check back and verify the progress that is being made.

Complete List

We’re also compiling a complete list of directory and search engines to see where else you can benefit from.

Detailed Report

You will also get detailed report on what info is showing for you on Google, Bing and Yahoo, including operating hours, photos and categories, where applicable.

Detailed Report

You will also get detailed report on what info is showing for you on Google, Bing and Yahoo, including operating hours, photos and categories, where applicable.

List of Citations

We are also building a list of citations - a citation is any mention of your business out on the web, with or without a link. It can come in various forms such as : company name, company name & phone number, company name/phone number and address, company name/phone number/address & link, and not limited too other variations.

Your Business Reputation

We are scouring some of the web’s most important sites for reviews on your business. Knowing what people are saying, and being able to respond and even turn a negative into a positive is worth its weight in gold.

Your Business Reputation

We are scouring some of the web’s most important sites for reviews on your business. Knowing what people are saying, and being able to respond and even turn a negative into a positive is worth its weight in gold.

Your Website

Finally, we’re also taking snapshots of how your website looks on tablets and phones, and you will see how it looks and if you need to take any action to fix any problems.

We’ll send you a link to all of this via email,
when you create a free account.

Here’s Where Things Get Exciting!You will know what’s going on and we tell you how you can fix it!

Let's Get Started!

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