We happened on an interesting post on FindResolution that speaks to the importance of taking over your local search results page.
‘Chicago restaurants.’ ‘Jewelry stores 60010.’ ‘Car dealerships Cleveland, OH.’ Why is this type of search query important to your business? Because they are happening all the time. Google confirmed in a recent blog post that 1 out of every 5 searches are location related. Also, for those searching on a mobile phone, 1 in 3 searches have local intent. With local searches dominating, businesses need to be showing up to keep current customers and gain new ones.
Click here for the full article.
Megan McDonald is absolutely right in her advice on how to get started in taking over your local search results. Have a look – this one is worth your time.
Steve Mitchell is an internet professional with more than sixteen years experience in the field of local search and web based systems.
FixMyInfo is a free service for business to use to verify their business information on most popular yellow pages, directories, search engine and social media websites.